1. Install azure CLI (linux shown below) using NodeJS install:
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_7.x | sudo -E bash -sudo apt-get install -y nodejssudo npm install -g azure-cli
2. Login with azure cli:
azure login -u some_user@youraccount.com
info: Executing command login
Password: *************
-info: Added subscription <Subscription Name>
info: Setting subscription "<Subscription Name>" as default
info: login command OK
NOTE: You can also do this without the "-u" to pop-up web browser for login, if available.
3. Get the Subscription ID and Tenant ID:
azure account show
azure account showinfo: Executing command account showdata: Name : <Subscription Name>data: ID : 00aaa000-00aa-0a00-0000-0a0000a0aa00data: State : Enableddata: Tenant ID : 0b00b0b0-0000-0000-00b0-bbb0b0b000bbdata: Is Default : truedata: Environment : AzureClouddata: Has Certificate : Nodata: Has Access Token : Yesdata: User name : some_user@youraccount.comdata:info: account show command OK
Here you have the first two pieces of information:
- Subscription ID (in this case, 00aaa000-00aa-0a00-0000-0a0000a0aa00)
- Tenant ID (in this case, 0b00b0b0-0000-0000-00b0-bbb0b0b000bb)
Note: If you wish to use a subscription other than the default then use the following command:
azure account show -s <Other Subscription Name>
And use the ID and Tenant ID number from that output.4. Get Client ID/Application ID and the Key:
For this step you will need to create an application within your subscription. From the command line this can be done by typing:azure ad app create -n "<Application Name>" -m "<Application Home Page URL>" -i "<Application Identifier URL>" -p "<Password>"
In this example, I used the following values:
- Application Name: "PMC Azure Dev"
- Application Home Page URL: "https://console.parkmycloud.com"
- Application Identifier URL: "https://PMC-Azure-Dev-not-used"
- Password: "parkmycloud!"
Outputinfo: Executing command ad app create
info: Creating application PMC Azure Dev
data: AppId: 000kkk0-00kk-0000-k00k-00kk0000000k
data: ObjectId: 00mm00m0-0000-0m00-mmm0-m000mm000mmm
data: DisplayName: PMC Azure Dev
data: IdentifierUris: 0=https://PMC-Azure-Dev-not-used
data: ReplyUrls:
data: AvailableToOtherTenants: False
data: HomePage: https://console.parkmycloud.com
info: ad app create command OK
Here you will need to copy the AppId (in this case, 000kkk0-00kk-0000-k00k-00kk0000000k).Your App Access Key is simply the password you just entered (in this case, parkmycloud!).At this point you have everything you need for ParkMyCloud. However, there are a few more steps you need to complete the configuration on the Azure side.
5. Create a Service Principal for the Application:
azure ad sp create -a <Enter the App ID from above here>
info: Executing command ad sp create
+ Creating service principal for application 00ppp000-00pp-0p00-0000-0p0000p0pp00
data: Object Id: cc00c00c-cc00-0c00-cc0c-000cc00c0000c
data: Display Name: PMC Azure Dev
data: Service Principal Names:
data: e0e00e00-0000-0ee0-0e0e-0eeee00e0000
data: https://PMC-Azure-Dev-not-used
info: ad sp create command OK
- Copy the Service Principal Object ID from the response for the next step.
6. Create a Custom Role with Limited Permissions:
- Get the example role from the ParkMyCloud console Add Credential page, and paste it into a file (we called it PMCAzureExampleRole.json). It may look a little different from what's below, but you get the idea. (The latest permissions example will always be found in the ParkMyCloud console).
- Suggest you give it the same name as the application
- Perhaps referencing the application name in the description would also be helpful
- Enter the subscription ID from step 3 as well:
"Name": "PMC Azure Dev",
"Description": "PMC Azure Dev Role",
"IsCustom": "true",
"Actions": [
"NotActions": [],
"AssignableScopes": [
- Then execute the following command:
azure role create --inputfile PMCAzureExampleRole.json
Outputinfo: Executing command role create
info: Validating role definition
+ Creating role definition "00hh0h00-00hh0-000h-h0h0-0h0h0h000hh"
info: Created role definition 00ff0f00-00ff0-000f-f0f0-0f0f0f000ff
data: Name : PMC Azure Devdata: Id : 00gg0g00-00gg0-000g-g0g0-0g0g0g000ggdata: Description : PMC Azure Dev Role
data: AssignableScopes : 0=/subscriptions/00aaa000-00aa-0a00-0000-0a0000a0aa00
data: Actions : 0=Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/read, 1=Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/*/read, 2=Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/start/action, 3=Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/deallocate/action, 4=Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/read, 5=Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/write, 6=Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/start/action, 7=Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/deallocate/action, 8=Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/*/read, 9=Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/read
data: NotActions :
data: IsCustom : true
info: role create command OK
7. Assign the Custom Role to Service Principal:
azure role assignment create --objectId <Service principal Object Id> --roleId "<RoleId >" --scope /subscriptions/<Subscription ID>
- Service Principal Object Id is from Step 5
- Role Id is from Step 6 and
- Subscription ID is from Step 3
Output+ Finding role with specified name |
data: RoleAssignmentId : /subscriptions/00aaa000-00aa-0a00-0000-0a0000a0aa00/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/4ad11596-5f3b-4373-9e4b-871500916e5a
data: RoleDefinitionName : PMC Azure Dev
data: RoleDefinitionId : 00gg0g00-00gg0-000g-g0g0-0g0g0g000gg
data: Scope : /subscriptions/00aaa000-00aa-0a00-0000-0a0000a0aa00
data: Display Name : PMC Azure Dev
data: SignInName : undefined
data: ObjectId : cc00c00c-cc00-0c00-cc0c-000cc00c0000c
data: ObjectType : ServicePrincipal data:
info: role assignment create command OK
That completes the application configuration within Azure. Now, you merely need to fill in the blanks on the credential page, give it a name and select a team to complete the configuration within ParkMyCloud
* List custom roles:
azure role list --custom
* Show the current custom role:
azure role show --name "PMC Azure Dev" --json
* Modify the current custom role:
azure role set --inputfile PmcAzureRoleExample.json
* Remove a role assignment from a Service Principal:
azure role assignment delete --objectId <Service Principal Object ID> --roleId <Role Id>